We can handle your basement mold removal safely and effectively.
Finding mold in your house can be alarming and stressful, but there’s no need to panic when you have a safe and reliable mold remediation company you can rely on, like us at Howell Healthy Homes. Whether you only suspect the presence of mold or you have seen it for yourself in your home, you can call on us for our mold removal services. We can offer our services for any part of your house in the Topeka, Kansas area.
It doesn’t take much for mold spores to get into the air and spread to the rest of your home, affecting the air quality as a result. It’s always important to schedule our basement mold removal services right away when you notice or suspect any mold to prevent such issues, and we will always respond as quickly as possible.
We take all the necessary precautions when we provide basement mold removal services. With secure containment, careful ventilation, and protective gear, we know what to do during the removal process. We will carefully and effectively remove the mold from any affected surfaces and follow up with fungicide or biocide to remove any remaining mold we might have missed.
Allow us to handle your basement mold removal safely and effectively, as well as discuss an action plan to address the source of the mold to prevent any future growth. Give us a call today to schedule our services or learn more about our basement mold removal service.
At Howell Healthy Homes, we offer basement mold removal services in Topeka, Berryton, Tecumseh, Grantville, Clay Center, Junction City, and Manhattan, Kansas.